
Application for Associate Membership

Associate Members – Any firm, partnership, or corporation actively engaged in the business of manufacturing commercial foodservice equipment shall be eligible for membership as an Associate Member of this association.

Associate Members shall have no voting rights, but their representatives shall be entitled to attend general session meetings, shall be eligible for appointment to committees, including the chairmanship thereof, and may vote at committee meetings, and shall have such other rights and privileges as may be designated by the Board of Directors, except the right to hold office or to serve as a director.

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A non-refundable application fee of $250.00 must be paid when submitting this application in order for it to be filed for final review and approval. If your application is approved you will receive an invoice for the annual membership dues. Once this invoice is paid then you will officially become a member of the association and receive your membership log-in credentials. Membership dues are $1490.00 annually and will be pro-rated according to the date of this application. Applications submitted and approved January 1 through June 30 pay a full years dues. Applications submitted July 1 through December 31 pay a half years dues.

By submitting this form you agree that all information provided is true and represents the aforementioned business and the products in which sell or service.

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