Shannon Sykes
Authorized Commercial Equipment Service
Potential nominees for the CFESA Board complete a questionnaire. The following question is from that form, and below is Shannon’s answer.
Question to candidates: Can you provide some examples of how you feel your industry exposure, business background and experience within CFESA will benefit the board and ultimately, the membership?
As a new board member My perspective now is a bit different. I recognize that my knowledge of “old school” ways is just as valuable as the new ways. Having grown up in this industry I have seen many changes some good some not so good. Having that “education” has made me appreciate how hard it was for those people who started out with the idea of let’s fix food equipment. They laughed at Edison and I am sure there were a lot of skeptics that laughed at those men. I was fortunate enough to be around those original “cowboys” and learn. My mother was the first woman to own a business like this and those men were great teachers. I have a lot to offer CFESA and the board but, they also have a lot to offer me. Relationships are the core of this business as with any business. Furthering my relationships with members in this industry helps me to understand that everyone from the manufacturer to the restaurant owner is concerned about where the industry is going . I hope that with the knowledge I can be someone that helps people cope with the changes.