Who? Anyone in the industry born in 1983 and later.
When? August 16th, 9 am – 4 pm.
Where? Feeding America Corporate Office: 161 N Clark St Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60601
Why? Network with industry peers and career development
What’s Covered? All materials, breakfast, and lunch. You will also receive a certificate of completion for the course.

Recommended Hotel: Click Here

Agenda Topics:
1. How leaders handle burnout.
a. How to identify when burnout is coming, what to look for, how to get in front of it to avoid it; AND what to do when burnt out, for your team and yourself. Burnout is easy for folks who want to prove themselves but it’s not sustainable. How can you schedule each day to accomplish tasks/goals without grinding until you are forced to stop?
2. Reenergizing and reconnecting members of your team through conflict resolution.
a. Conflict is inevitable. When it arises, what tools/strategies can we use for both ourselves and our teams to navigate those tougher conversations? What can we implement to help facilitate those tougher conversations? And then how do we reenergize and reconnect ourselves and our teams?
3. Finding your voice in your company.
a. How to exemplify the value you bring to your company in a professional way.
4. How to communicate with members of your company through your DISC profile.
a. We all have a natural style to our personality, our communication, how we like to be engaging with others, etc.; we have a perceived need to adjust as well. DISC helps us become more self-aware in interpersonal interactions, and also understand those around us on a deeper level. It is a simplification of the beautiful complexities that make us human, and a very useful tool in work and out-of-work settings.